

Meet dwellers of Abuja’s Ajegunle

It was christened by migrants from one of the biggest slums in the country who moved into the nation’s capital seeking better economic prospects

Why the branded Hilux pick-up is called ‘Gaddafi’

Reports say that late Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi entered a memorandum of understanding with the Japanese government and Toyota Motor Corpor

Elergy to Malam Yaya Abubakar (mni)

When early last year I was invited by the Management of NTA News to be one of the resources persons at a capacity building workshop as part of their p

Rising tide of child theft in Benue

A sudden increase  in the theft of children in Benue State has left the authorities, NGOs and security agencies bewildered. Simon Alfa, 11, was r

U.N says some of its peacekeepers were paying 13 year olds for sex

Now, officials have learned about what appears to be a fresh scandal. Investigators discovered this month that at least four U.N. peacekeepers in the