

Dei-Dei’s pedestrian bridge of miscreants

Haruna Hassan, alias Mairago, told me at Dei-Dei recently that he would live to remember the day a gentleman, clutching a small bundle of substance wr

In Maiduguri Maximum Security prison, lunatics dwell with others

There are several lunatics living among the 486 inmates of the Maiduguri Maximum security prison ,most of whom are young and likely to get better if t

Another group comes out in style

One special moment during the recent Igogo festival which held in Owo, was the hour  when the Ero dance was performed. Ero represents an age grad

Life as a Boko Haram hostage

It was around 5am on 27 July 2014, when the residents of Kolofata, a small town in the Far North Region of Cameroon around 12 kilometres from the Nige

Statue inspired by Arab woman, researchers say

The Statue of Liberty, a symbol of democracy and freedom that has greeted countless immigrants to US shores, was inspired by a project representing an