

‘We Were Violated and Forced to Keep Quiet’

“I was gang-raped when I was 13 by seven men somewhere in Lagos when I was in secondary school. I know people would ask whether the story is true. Yes

Why century-old Bauchi mosque was demolished

The ancient structure is covered by a corrugated tin roof that gives the impression of a lone hut from a distance. Its interior is a combination of bl

Desertification: Water scarcity hits Sokoto farmers

Galadima Alkassan Muwadata, the village head, draped in his farmer’s garb said a larger portion of the plains are unfarmed because of the scarci

Meant to keep malaria out, mosquito nets are used to haul fish in

With that always weighing on his mind, Mwewa Ndefi gets up at dawn, just as the first orange rays of sun are beginning to spear through the papyrus re

Zanzibar: The story of two cathedrals and a slave market

Churches in ancient towns like Zanzibar usually have the community’s history tied to it. In Stone Town, the story is no different of the Catholic and