

Inside The Dirty, Deadly World Of Nigeria’s Quack Doctors

A powerful pack of professional fraudsters parading as medical practitioners is on the prowl in various parts of Nigeria and Ghana, practising and pro

A long, dusty train ride to Zaria

My first encounter with trains was in the ancient city of Zaria. But all we did as youngsters was climb into them as they sat idly in the train statio

Kuje: Abuja’s new haven for low income earners

The Area Council which is about 10km from the airport, and about 40km south of Abuja, has grown from a relatively small town to a big one due to the d

Moro Bridge has fallen down!

The 100-year old bridge along the Aiyelabowo/Mandala axis, a suburb of Ilorin in Asalocal government area of Kwara State, was a passageway for travell

Two days, one night, in the Bahamas

Like I said in my last piece, we had flown out of Jose Marti international in Havana late morning and landed airport Lynden Pindling international air