

Inside Karu abattoir where exploitation of minors reigns

In another group are those aged 15 and above; then there are those who are probably in their 30s or 40s. They all form a small part of the team–all th

Abuja bomb blasts:Commuters groan under check point-induced gridlock

Within three weeks, two different bomb blast incidents in Nyanya, a suburb of Abuja, jolted residents.  The incidents left streams of sorrow on many f

A haunting visit to Hotel Rwanda

On a recent visit to Rwanda, I visited the hotel popularly known as Hotel Rwanda, but whose actual name is Hotel des Mille Collines, a name which refe

Park & Pay ban: FCT residents react

Someone posted a picture of his tyre locked simply because one tyre was on the elevated demarcation between the sidewalk and the road. That I found ri

Lagos: One dazzling Easter carnival

If you are a lover of carnivals, and   like the company of a creative and musical crowd, with good dancing feet, then you should have been in Lagos at