

Ebola: The facts, the fiction

The first simultaneous outbreaks in 1976 were in Sudan and DRC, the latter in Yambuku village near Ebola River, from where the disease takes it names.

Nigerians unperturbed as Ebola fever echoes from afar

The outbreak of Ebola hemorrhagic fever in Guinea and Liberia about three weeks ago has jolted several governments around the world, especially in Afr

Secondary school where professors teach

  Because here, in this room, time table of professors have been shuffled and rescheduled, their class duties have been assigned and allocated, and mo

Why popularity of local beverages is soaring

Local drinks are fast replacing carbonated soft drinks in most parts of Nigeria, especially the North. These local alternatives are produced mainly fr

Makoko: Living on water and in danger

There are several waterfront communities in Lagos, but one that has attracted the world’s attention is Makoko, when in the recent past the state gover