A simple answer to currency redesign conundrum

The Central Bank of Nigeria’s recent monetary policy involving a currency redesign and swap of old notes has been the cause of hardship for Nigerians

Of red goats and agricultural development policy

I recently watched a video of a Nigerian politician speaking in Hausa language, talking about subsistence farming of red goats as one of his agricultu

Agricultural information in quest for sustainable intensification

The increase of agricultural production in the past 50 years has assured food for a growing population worldwide. However, the performance of agricult

The great climate opportunity

In 2021, I was overcome by a great yearning to do more work around climate, mostly because of the varying effects of climate change I was witnessing,

Nothing wrong with high costs of university education

There are many different paths to success and fulfilment, and a university degree is just one option among many. Across the world, people go to univer