Five Favourite Books

Five Favourite Books

Five important books at this time

There are times when a particular book speaks to you, when re-reading it tells you so much about the season or even reading a certain book at a partic

Five books for the sexually abused women

The story of women who have been sexually abused has been with us for a very long time. Such women were often dismissed and the perpetrator protected.

Five books for Thinking Parents

As a parent, I am saddened by the horrific story coming out of the United States about a couple who chained their 13 biological children to beds and d

Five essential books for 2018

I am always thrilled at the beginning of every year when new books begin to rear their heads and grab our attention. First I know it is the result of

Five books for Mr Thompson Abu at 60

A week and a half ago, my husband of 34 years turned the corner and became a senior citizen at 60. I remember quite clearly the first time I met him a