Five Favourite Books

Five Favourite Books

Five books as Rwanda remembers its unspeakable tragedy

When the Rwandan tragedy was afoot, where were you? I remember exactly what I was doing 25 years ago, when the bodies began to float up the river on i

Five books to guide you to be more charitable

Kindness is taking a back seat in the new modern world we now occupy. People are more self-entitled, less charitable, more hurtful and less endearing

Five books of great currency that we should all be reading

Books are like clothes. I do not know about you but for me I read books according to my mood. The same way I decide what colour of clothes I want to w

Five books on what you put in your mouth

I have always been a foodie. My romance with food started when I was very young and I was certain that I would own a restaurant… still on my buc

Five books to savour as we await election results

Now that you have voted, what next? We wait for the INEC to declare the results as they are the ones mandated by law to do this duty. While we wait, w