For The Record

For The Record

What a full body scanner is

One technology used under the name “full-body scanner” is the millimeter wave scanner, the active form of which reflects extremely high fr

Against all odds: An autobiography (1)

When I received a text message saying that Professor Adamu Baikie wanted me to review his forthcoming autobiography, I simply obeyed my heart and not

Going Back to Basics: The Past as Prologue (iv)

A part member of the Broadcasting Company of Northern Nigeria (BCNN) applied for a car advance and requested for an increase of sitting allowance.&nbs

Going Back to Basics: The Past as Prologue (III)

When RMAFC embarked on the review of remuneration of the top   of the public service it asked the beneficiaries to say which factors should

Going Back to Basics: The Past as Prologue (II)

Subverting the Public Service Ten or so years after discarding the constitution that our leaders had sacrificed so much to have firmly entrenched, we