Friday Column

Friday Column

As President Buhari becomes an aspirant once again

Now that the president has declared his intention to contest for a second term in office, exciting times can begin. President Buhari’s new journ

On arresting the drift towards chaos

Yesterday, the Working Group on Peace Building and Good Governance, the Civil Society Legislative Advocacy Centre (CISLAC), the Centre for Democracy a

On arresting the drift towards chaos

Yesterday, the Working Group on Peace Building and Good Governance, the Civil Society Legislative Advocacy Centre (CISLAC), the Centre for Democracy a

Alleged ethnic cleansing and the military

Nigeria’s former Defence Minister and Chief of Army Staff, Lt. Gen. T.Y. Danjuma, on Saturday accused the Nigerian armed forces of aiding the on

Buhari’s economic plan doesn’t reflect needs of Nigerians

I’m blown away by how much Nigeria has changed in the past decade. Consider the technology sector. That energy I talked about during the early d