Friday Column

Friday Column

MainaGate and a Presidency working at cross purposes

My good friend Garba Shehu made what would have been the joke of the year on Wednesday but the theme was too serious to be funny. He blamed the Goodlu

MainaGate and a Presidency working at cross purposes

My good friend Garba Shehu made what would have been the joke of the year on Wednesday but the theme was too serious to be funny. He blamed the Goodlu

More on teachers failing while their students “pass” exams

Today, I continue with my discussions from last week about the paradox of students passing exams while even their teachers cannot pass the same exams.

More on teachers failing while their students “pass” exams

Today, I continue with my discussions from last week about the paradox of students passing exams while even their teachers cannot pass the same exams.

Paradox: Teachers failing while their students “pass” exams

Each year, we graduate millions of children from our 65,000 public primary schools in Nigeria and we claim they have passed so we send them to junior