Global Connection

Global Connection

Signing off for a while but very much around

Dear readers, I believe that now that I have been appointed into government I should drop the regular weekly pen. I understand that those who went bef

Still on seller’s inflation

The European Central Bank (ECB) President, Christine Lagarde, recently alluded to the inefficacy of interest rates increases in managing inflation. Sh

Nigeria, beware of Seller’s Inflation – 1

Developing nations do themselves a huge disfavor and injustice by not expanding their analysis and actions with regard to tackling inflation. For some

Nigeria is a hustler’s economy – This cannot make us great

Further to the statistics on unemployment recently issued by the National Bureau for Statistics, the long and short is that we are all hustlers in Nig

The controversy on crashed unemployment rate (I)

The other day, I was invited alongside some other economists, to a parley with the Statistician General (SG), to help critique their new methodology f