Global Connection

Global Connection

That backward suit against Air Nigeria

I must confess that years back when Minister Hadi Sirika first toyed with the idea of Nigeria Air – a sovereign airline for Nigeria – I wasn’t on boar

Communication strategies for government’s success

Communication is key in this information age. Our new superstars are those ones on Instagram and Twitter, with millions of fans, whose every communica

Ajaokuta: One huge fishbone in Nigeria’s throat

There is a video making the rounds on WhatsApp and other social media handles, about Nigeria’s moribund Ajaokuta Steel Complex. The narrator spoke of

How nations develop rapidly with debts

This is a continuation of our discussion from last week. We will look at how some nations develop rapidly with debts and what Nigeria could do immedia

Way-and-means overdraft and the history of national debt

Let’s do a recap about COVID-19, because it is easy to forget now that we went through the most harrowing period in modern history. That period of loc