Global Connection

Global Connection

Now that the Naira is strengthening – I

I have written series of articles on this page regarding what I think about the Naira and its management by the Central Bank of Nigeria in recent time

Nigerians and the value of dignity- 1

“I decided long ago Never to walk in anyone’s shadow If I fail, If I succeed At least I’ll live as I believe No matter what they tak

Desperate times, unhinged people (III)

Today, let us conclude the education about the desperate things Nigerians are doing for survival and for greed. This is important because as the gover

Desperate times, unhinged people (II)

My analysis of what happens to the likes of Andrew Yakubu is that they are transfixed. Transfixed like a deer is with oncoming lights of a car. Andrew

The wretched can wait

Nigeria can be a much better place if only leadership will not quickly disconnect from the most important need for their existence; reduce the poverty