Global Connection

Global Connection

Nigeria can raise $300bn, triple its economy

I love challenging our thinking and jarring my readers’ imaginations from time to time. Last week, I wrote about the high likelihood that our populati

Still on our youths, dealing with cognitive biases

So, still on the youths, I once tried to do extensive work on cognitive bias or dissonances. There is a psychological term which refers to some belief

Dealing with some of our youths’ delusions

I think I have fairly explained why I couldn’t and will not join the ‘obidient’ group based on the first two passions – religion and ethnic fervour –

What shall we do with youth anger? (I)

The Labour Party, in the recently concluded elections, has ridden on the anger of youths – and of course a lot of adults – around the country, to post

A rejigged financial market infrastructure needed urgently

Myriads of lessons have been learnt from the cash swap and currency redesign experiment in Nigeria in the past few months. As much as a currency redes