Global Connection

Global Connection

Suya – Officially off the menu?

And on that poster, one of the key advices was that Nigerians must stop eating Suya – that age-long delicacy which even foreigners come here to

Ebola – stop the intellectual arrogance

Initially, I thought the call by some people that we should bathe with slat solution was silly. But I kept an ear to the ground to understand why peop

The Yorubas need new money – 1

Actually, the money is now too old. Abeokuta would have been spectacular in 1930s Nigeria, urbane in 1940, swanky in 1950s, matured in 1960s, peaked i

What exactly is the news?

The local ones focused for the first ten minutes on whatever mundane thing the powerful people of Nigeria had thought was wise to do on that day. We k

It can only be about the economy (1)

Those with an eye on the future, would bellyache about the Trillions (in Naira), being expended today on an elusive security, depriving our children o