Global Connection

Global Connection

Globalisation’s last dagger

What had happened to Goodluck Jonathan?  Is he so callous and unfeeling?  Or why shut down the economy, in order to lose even more that the money it p

Six steps to eradicate “Boko Haram”

Boko Haram presents the Best Opportunity For Reform And Unity In Nigeria. From my writer’s perch here, all I can see are fantastic opportunities prese

Christmas cheer for the weary soul!

SOCIALISM; You have 2 cows: You give one to your neighbour. COMMUNISM; You have 2 cows. The State takes both and gives you some milk. FASCISM; You hav

Nigeria: International deception meets local greed

1.  There is this issue on pollution and in which of the waters of the earth could be emptied hazardous materials, sea sewage, nuclear waste, and such

Africa may yet save the world! (3)

With The recent prosecution of multi-level wars across the globe, especially under our ‘brother’ Obama’s presidency, it has become evident that whatev