Global Connection

Global Connection

Africa may yet save the world! (1)

It was evident, with the prosecution and conclusion of the Libyan war – a disagreement and discontentment which was escalated to a war situation by fi

Why we are suing NATO and their sponsors (1)

– Pastor Martin Niemöller Nothing has ever been achieved when people keep quiet and suffer.  There comes a time when we must speak up and be hea

Unforgettable Gaddafi…

I looked around and there is no other African leader today whose name will come to mind. None that was assertive. None with any clear ideology. Africa

Meltdown economics!

Perhaps, the urgency of what is on hand can only be brought to the fore, by looking at the economic situation of the country.  For too long, we have e

Needed – Responsibility-based government

Tears jumped into my eyes.  Tears for missed opportunities.  Tears for a future which presently looks bleak.  Tears for my inability, despite much eff