Global Connection

Global Connection

The very end of Western civilisation

I remember watching an interview on BBC sometime back, when Dambisa Moyo went to promote her book; ‘How The West Was Lost’.  Stephen Sackur, an otherw

Broken Britain

I think what is up is that the lies are coming out.  Some of us warned when they started pontificating about Africa.  Indeed many societies in Africa

As we dance our way to development

That was what happened recently when, after ten days abroad, I came back to realize that the senate was still screening ministerial nominees.  I had t

A precarious economy

I had watched his defence of the same issue in the House of Reps chambers, and at that particular moment when he mentioned that the second highest sha


The Central Bank of Nigeria, like every other Central Bank around the world, is concerned about the amount of cash in circulation.  Central Bankers an