

Get vaccinated against COVID-19, not procure fake cards –Experts

In spite of the many benefits of COVID-19 vaccination, to date, many Nigerians are reluctant to get vaccinated. They instead resort to procuring vacci

Proton therapy helps improve outcomes of cancer treatment – Experts

Experts have said the use of proton therapy for cancer treatment has a lot of benefits in improving outcomes of treatment and the quality of survival

Two-minute walk after a meal helps fight diabetes, experts say

Going for a short walk after a meal can reduce blood sugar and lower the risk of type 2 diabetes, a review suggests. Setting off 60 to 90 minutes afte

‘Unsafe abortions contributing to high maternal mortality rate in Nigeria’

Ipas Nigeria Health Foundation, a non-profit organisation, has identified unsafe abortions as one of the factors contributing to the high maternal mor

What to know about Buruli ulcer

Umeh recalls that his younger brother (Ikenna)’s ailment started with a painless swelling on his left foot which developed into a massive ulcer after