

Home Remedy Alert: capsaicin coconut oil cream

Ingredients 1 cup of coconut Chilli or Cayenne pepper Recipe ·  Combine 3 tbsp. cayenne powder with 1 cup coconut. ·  Heat the oil on a low heat until

Picture warnings on sodas? A promising tool to fight childhood obesity

A study published in the journal PLOS Medicine is the first to examine in a realistic setting whether pictorial health warnings on sugary drinks ̵

Gender Equality and Sustainable Development

By Kenni Ndili Since the advent of women into the workforce, there has been an intense drive to attain gender equality, which is the equal ability for

On International Condom Day, AHF Nigeria makes case for Condom Emojis

AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) is making a case for Condom Emojis to help create awareness in the fight against sexually transmitted diseases on Int

Onelife Initiative partners hospital to offer free care for survivors of Female Genital Mutilation

As part of activities to commemorate this year’s International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation, Onelife Initiative has partnered w