

Home Remedy Alert! Trenten’s Ginger Tea, Cold and Stomach Remedy

Ingredients 1 fresh ginger, chopped into slices 8 cups of water 1 teaspoon of honey or sweetener. Lemon juice Recipe • In a pot, add the chopped ginge

Sleep linked to language skills in neurodevelopmental disorders

New research has discovered that Down’s syndrome, Fragile X syndrome and Williams syndrome are all linked to sleep disruption in very young children,

What to know about vesicovaginal fistula

Vesicovaginal fistula (VVF) and Female Genital Fistula (FGF) are two variants of the same disease affecting Nigerian women, particularly in the rural

You can catch Omicron through a ‘whiff of infected breath’ because variant is so transmissible — Expert

You only need to be exposed to ‘a whiff of infected breath’ to catch Omicron, one of the government’s scientific advisers has said. Professor Peter Op

‘Family planning is a human capital development function’

Dr Amina Dorayi is a public health physician and the Country Director of Pathfinder International, Nigeria. In this interview at the sidelines of the