

An all-inclusive approach to curbing the menace of drug abuse in Nigeria

Drug abuse is a global trend that is affecting every country in varying degrees. In Nigeria, drug abuse is gradually becoming a culture as youths in d

Novel technique developed to observe cancer cells’ metastatic potential

When cancer cells metastasize, they morph, becoming missile-shaped in order to penetrate into other tissues throughout the body. In fact, to travel th

Faster Project calls for adoption of HIV self-testing kit for children, teens

Faster Project of the Catholic Relief Services (CRS), an NGO, has advocated for the adoption of an HIV self-testing kit as an effective strategy in sc

Malnutrition, a national pandemic in Nigeria – U.S. SOY

United States Soy (U.S. SOY) says the high rate of protein deficiency in Nigeria is a national pandemic and a huge drain on the country’s human capita

Stakeholders take stock of HIV Self Testing Campaign effort in Nigeria

The FASTER Project of the Catholic Relief Services (CRS) Nigeria is bringing HIV stakeholders together to take stock and review achievements recorded