

Nigeria tasked on cost effectiveness of malaria, meningitis vaccines

Some experts in the health sector have harped on the need to ascertain the cost effectiveness of key vaccines in the country. They said the utilisatio

Diphtheria: How PCR testing is improving diagnosis, surveillance in Nigeria

Nigeria’s recent diphtheria outbreak claimed over 600 lives, with over 13,000 confirmed cases recorded across 19 states and the Federal Capital Territ

Doctors detect first EVER deadly tick-borne virus that hides in the brain

A new tick-borne virus that can trigger deadly brain infections has been discovered in humans for the first time. Officials believe the unidentified m

What you should know about tonsillitis

Amina  Saliu (not real names) doesn’t have tonsils. She recalls that her tonsils, called belu in Hausa language, was removed when she was a baby throu

North gets first geriatrics hospital ward

The first-ever customised and dedicated geriatrics ward in any tertiary healthcare institution in the 19 Northern states was commissioned at the Aminu