

How to stay healthy during harmattan

In the last few days, the harmattan season which seems to be minimal in December and disappears in January resumed with full force with many people co

The myths surrounding weight loss

In the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, many people realised they had gained so much weight as a result of staying at home for months during the lock

‘ITAC study to provide needed COVID-19 treatment’

Dr Nnakelu Eriobu is the Principal Investigator of In-Patient Treatment with Anti-Corona Virus Immunoglobulin (ITAC) Study, a research on COVID-19 tre

Use of face mask now compulsory in Taraba

Governor Darius Ishaku of Taraba State has issued an Executive Order on the use of face mask across the state. The order was part of efforts to curtai

No evidence male papaya root will treat erectile dysfunction

“Male papaya root works like magic for erectile dysfunction,” reads a message posted on Facebook in Nigeria. “Wash the roots well and cut them into pi