

How to prevent Preeclampsia in pregnancy

Thirsty-six-weeks pregnant Halima Aliyu, accompanied by her mother, went for her routine antenatal check-up. She had a lingering headache from the pre

Hiccups, tinnitus, stammering are bizarre signs of COVID-19 – Doctors

A constant cough, high temperature, thumping headache and a sudden loss of smell or taste are all common symptoms of COVID-19. But what is now clear i

Proper spine alignment during sleep will prevent aches – Experts

Experts have advised the public to use quality mattresses and pillows for proper spine alignment during sleep to prevent aches and pains which could b

COVID-19 vaccine: FG urged to prioritise people living with NCDs

People living with Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) have called on the federal government to prioritise them among those to be vaccinated against COVI

No evidence cashew leaves and bark treat hypotension and diabetes

Powdered cashew bark in warm water will cure hypotension, and cashew leaf tea will cure diabetes, claims a message recently posted on Facebook in Nige