

At the age of 16, I have Pimples

I am 16 years old and have been suffering from pimples for almost two years. Please kindly tell us about causes, how to cure it and to prevent it. Mis

‘Poor nutrition complicates HIV/AIDS, diabetes, others’

Poor nutrition complicates the condition of people living with diseases such as diabetes, tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS, the Executive Director, Borno Sta

Experts counsel Nigeria on financing universal health coverage

Experts across the region have advised Nigeria to adopt innovative ways towards financing Universal Health Coverage (UHC). Universal Health Coverage (

World Food Day: CS-SUNN urges farmers to diversify

The Civil Society Scaling Up Nutrition in Nigeria, CSSUNN, has called for food producers to diversify and improve their production to ensure produce i

How to deal with “unknown patients” in an emergency

You know that moment someone collapses in front of you. You rush them to the nearest emergency unit. You don’t know the person and there is no identif