

How yellow fever outbreak spurred massive vaccination in Katsina

“I heard about how dangerous yellow fever was on a radio programme. I became full of fear for my life and that of my family and decided we all go for

‘Wearing deodorant, peeling orange can pollute office air, cause fatigue’

Scientists have found that wearing deodorant to the office may contribute to indoor air pollution. A research conducted by scientists from Purdue Univ

Let’s chat about Hepatitis C Virus

Complements of the season our weekly health columnist. We often hear only about Hepatitis A and B and hardly anything about Hepatitis C which is equal

Gynaecologist cautions against self-medication in removing pregnancy-related stretch marks

A gynaecologist, Dr Kayode Makinde, has advised  women against self-medication in removing pregnancy-related stretch marks. Makinde, who is president

Stakeholders move to stem mental illness, depression

Mental illness, depression and suicide are spreading at an alarming rate and require concerted efforts of all stakeholders – parents, caregivers