

My Mum admitted due to Gastrointestinal Perforation

Permit me a space in your respected, widely read column to know about gastrointestinal perforation. My mum is on admission in an intensive care unit r

Clues to longevity linked family history

Chances of inheriting genes linked to longevity are highest if you come from a family with many long-lived members, researchers say. Such includes aun

Our bodies may cure themselves of diabetes in the future

Diabetes is caused by damaged or non-existing insulin cells inability to produce insulin, a hormone that is necessary in regulating blood sugar levels

Recurrent miscarriage linked to faulty sperm

Multiple miscarriages may be linked to the poor quality of a man’s sperm, suggests new research. The early-stage study, from scientists at Imperial Co

Resistance to antibiotics is a bit in your poop

For years, the global health community has raised concern about growing resistance of microorganisms to antibiotics. Now, a new study shows it may be