

How viruses hijack part of your immune system and use it against you – Study

An enzyme intended to prevent autoimmune disease can be hijacked and used by some viruses to avoid immune detection. That discovery from Mayo Clinic r

First baby born via uterus transplant from dead donor

The first baby has been born following a uterus transplantation from a deceased donor, according to a case study from Brazil published in The Lancet.

PROBLEM: Anxious? Try: Smell orange peel

Smelling an orange may have a powerful smoothing effect upon you, according to Beyond Anxiety and Depression. They recommend covering your orange peel

5 surprising causes of lung damage

So you don’t smoke, but that doesn’t mean you are quite in the clear. A number of things you didn’t think were important could also affect your lungs.

Experts seek increased investments in family planning services

Experts working in the field of research and the health sector have called on government at all levels and other stakeholders to increase investments