

‘Virginity testing’ a human rights violation, says UN

A group of United Nations agencies has issued a joint statement calling for a ban on tests meant to assess the virginity of a girl or a woman. The sta

What causes ‘Appollo’?

One after the other, members of Abdul’s family of seven, except one contracted, conjunctivitis, an eye ailment popularly called ‘appollo’. It all star

Health benefits of cucumber

Cucumber has a lot of health benefits according to experts. They say the fruit (which is commonly mistaken as a vegetable) contains a lot of nutrients

Mental Health Day and Suicide

Last week the World Mental Health Day was celebrated by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and stakeholders worldwide. A reputable media house also r

Scientists develop vaccine to protect against Lassa fever

Nigeria witnessed Lassa fever outbreaks in Ondo, Edo, Ebonyi, Kogi and other places this year alone with about 423 confirmed cases and 106 deaths reco