

What to know about caesarean section

Mrs Oluwatoyin managed to sip the liquid substance in her cup and dropped it in the locker beside her hospital bed. Being a lover of solid foods commo

7 months after: Stakeholders want NHIA Act 2022 in operation

Stakeholders in the health sector have observed that the new National Health Insurance Authority (NHIA) Act 2022, which was signed into law in May, is

Can exercise stop one in three cases of depression?

A third of people at risk of depression and anxiety could prevent it by getting enough exercise, a study suggests. Exercise is a well-known treatment

90% children aged 1-14 years subjected to violent discipline – Survey

Nine out of every 10 children aged 1-14 years (90%) have been subjected to at least one form of violent discipline by caregivers, the 2021 Multiple In

GAVI earmarks $50m funding for health system strengthening in 8 states

Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance is supporting eight states of the country with a $50m grant to strengthen their health system from this year to 2024. Thye