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Musa and the evil stepmothers

The tragic picture of the 20 -month-old  Musa whose hands and legs were broken by his stepmothers is enough to touch a heart of stone and bring t

Tomato is out. Carrots, cucumbers rule in cooking recipes

Families in Kaduna are finding alternatives to tomato in their kitchens after scarcity pushed up price of tomatoes. Carrot, cucumber, ginger and crayf

Safeguarding the Nigerian child: Any hope

As the world celebrates Children’s Day today, stakeholders at all tiers of government have organised programmes to commemorate the day, but many

How high price of tomato forced women to seek alternatives

Barely a month ago, tomato was accessible and affordable. This made most women agree that tomato was the only vegetable not affected by the low exchan

Rise in violence against women worries Ondo gov’s wife

Wife of Ondo State governor, Mrs Oluwafemi Mimiko, yesterday raised alarm over the increasing cases of violence against women in the society.  Sh