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Attaining greater heights, do women compromise?

 The womenfolk have been fighting to erase the impression that they are the weaker sex from the minds of people by putting in their best in their

‘Why women must imbibe habit of reading’

Aisha Ahman Pategi is the owner of Roots and Origins which promotes the use of herbal, natural and organic materials. She also champions a campaign ge

Does friendship make marriage more interesting?

The first time Elvis proposed marriage to Sandra, she rejected his advances because from her level of reasoning and experience, a man should propose m

The incredible benefit of onions

Onion is a must-have in most Nigerian homes, especially in the kitchen. But apart from being used in cooking all kinds of delicious cuisines, their he

The ugly side of patronising day care centres

Day care centres/crèches have become a fast growing business in our society today. While they provide essential services, investigations reveal