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Home Front

‘We found 380 Nigerian children roaming in neighbouring countries’

Abdulganiyu Abubakar is the director of Save The Child Initiative (STCI), which coordinates organisations in the north for the West African Network fo

Foundation trains 252 Nigerian women in journalism

An international foundation for girl-child education, Dawood Global Foundation (DGF) has organised a three-day training programme for would-be young f

ActionAid harps on safety education environment for females

ActionAid Nigeria has stressed the need for government to put in place adequate infrastructure in university campuses in the country to reduce violenc

Should women change their names after marriage?

The subject matter of name changing after marriage has become an interesting one that many people in different parts of the world x-ray, based on thei

What Christmas means to children

Christmas in this part of the world is a family event, a time when lots of family members come together to celebrate and have fun. Most families that