Home Front

Home Front

Children on the edge: A 19-day struggle against violence

The children began gathering at 7.00a.m. in front of a police station in one of the largest neighbourhoods in Abuja. They chatted, but they were sombr

Coalition canvasses support for girl-child education

Coalition of Education Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) has called on the Kaduna State government and the society in general to give maximum support

Taking the campaign against sexual abuse to school kids

Catch them young is what Twin and I Child Care Foundation seems to be targeting by taking the campaign against child sexual abuse to primary and secon

The death of student over girlfriend

The death of Bashir Musa, a 300 level student of Federal University Dutse, Jigwa State, in a fight over a girlfriend last Friday is sad to say the lea

Women fellowship to intensify skill acquisition training

The Women’s Fellowship of United Evangelical Church, founded as Qua Iboe Church, Kaduna Area Conference, has said it will intensify skill acquis