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Government should invest on girl-child – NGO

A non-governmental organization in Abuja named Eco Cares Welfare Foundation alongside with the Childhood Bridge International Initiative have called o

Special children’s hospitals needed to curb rising coACngenital diseases

The Association of Paediatric Surgeons of Nigeria (APSON) has called for the urgent establishment of hospitals that would specifically manage, care an

300 girls receive citizenship, skill acquisition training in Jigawa

Three hundred girls aged 16 to 17 from Jigawa State have received training aimed at improving their status and empowering them with knowledge and conf

The uncanny pressure on singles to marry

Whether you are a boy or a girl, once you reach the age of 18, there comes the mounting pressure on you to marry and start a family. “I was a ha

NURHI pushes for use of family planning methods in cities

The Nigerian Urban Reproductive Health Initiative (NURHI) says use of modern contraceptive methods has increased among families in urban slum dwelling