Home Front

Home Front

Homemade remedies for hair breakage

Hair, though said to be a woman’s beauty, comes with its own share of problems, one of which is hair breakage.  Today, that has become ever

‘Mothers encourage child trafficking’

Mrs. Beatrice Jedy-Agba is the Director-General of the National Agency for the Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons (NAPTIP). She speaks on how mothe

NCWD, UN Women collaborate to train women in ICT

The National Centre for Women Development (NCWD) in collaboration with UN Women, Intel Corporation has commenced training women in Technology and Entr

Time for national summit on rape

Hardly a day passes without reading about rape in the papers, the fear is that we are becoming used to it, with the authorities not seeming to do enou

When Kano women converged to tackle socio-economic problems

The quest to find a lasting and sustainable solution to the socio-economic problems facing Kano women made the Ministry for Women Affairs and Social D