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Create job opportunities and be productive, DG tells youths

The Director General of the National Centre for Women Development (NCWD) Onyeka Onwenu has called on the Nigerian youth to create job opportunities by

Low cut gains popularity among Nigerian women

Lots of women in Nigeria are now embracing the new trend which is wearing or cutting their hair short.  Some women wear their hair short for vari

‘We are interested in the integrity of Nigerian women’

Are you not worried that the only position women were able to get in the National Assembly is deputy Minority Leader? The situation is worrisome and p

Between parental care and almajiri system

Wikipedia describes parental care as the “parental investment provided by a male animal to his own offspring. Paternal care may be provided in c

‘Human and not commodity’

July 30 is slated as the day to celebrate World Day Against Trafficking in Persons.  The Women Trafficking and Child Labour Eradication Foundatio