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Why youth independence, potentials should not be underestimated

The problem is a rather pathetic one as anyone who pays enough attention to societal happenings, will be quick to say that about 50 percent of youths

‘Conceive in your 20s or risk childlessness’

Professor Geeta Nargund, a consultant gynaecologist, has written to the Education Secretary Nicky Morgan urging schools to teach girls about the risks

Why underage children should not be sexualized

Sexualization generally means to make something sexual in character or quality or to become aware of sexuality. The American Psychological Association

‘How household tasks count against female politicians’

How did you get into the race for membership of the Plateau State House of Assembly?I have always liked to speak for my people. I chose to vie for the

Does sacrificing career help build successful marriage?

Some men think it’s demeaning for their wives to work under another man and be answering him ‘sir ‘ and as such resolved that their wives should remai