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Saving your relationship

In the case of marriage or courtship, it is important to observe the following  rules.Simply say thank you It is expected of every normal human being

Bride’s dilemma in consummating marriage before ceremony

Some people hasten the solemnization before the ceremony to prevent other suitors from coming. There may also be delay in holding the ceremony because

Shhh, mummy! Babies prefer each other’s voices

Try not to take it personally, but babies find other infants’ inane babbling more interesting than anything you’ve got to say to them.A ne

‘Chibok girls, abductees shouldn’t be stigmatized on return’

You initiated the idea of planning rehabilitating the Chibok girls and abducted women and girls after their release, what inspired it?Firstly, I am a

Women empowerment: Shaping Nigeria’s devt within post 2015 agenda

For Nigeria, this year 2015 provides a unique opportunity for renewed vision and development of an agenda that creates a new development trajectory. I