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How your beauty regime could be ageing your skin – simple tips to fix it

The average woman will spend an eye-watering £18,000 on products for her face in her lifetime, but may be throwing those hard earned pennies dow

What to do when hiring a nanny

While some women are lucky to have relative or friends who assist with little or no pay others have to go for strangers. Some nannies solely look afte

The execution of drug traffickers in Indonesia

The Nigerians among them were Raheem Salami, Silvester Nwolise, Okwudili Oyatanze and  Martin Anderson.Indonesia said it took the hard stance bec

Education takes a village, we must all pitch in

First off, children in primary, secondary and tertiary institutions around the country have been abandoned by their parents and the society in general

How pre-wedding pictures can affect marriages

Though the pictures are normally taken before the solemnisation of the wedding, would-be couples tend to overstep their ‘moral bounds’&nbs