Home Front

Home Front

Putting impunity in check

The card reader was used to authenticate those with voter card and more importantly, those accredited and therefore the number of people that are like

13 IT devices that can prevent crimes in your home

According to experts at Better Family Home, a home décor and improvement organization, some IT devices can prevent criminals from carrying out

Empowering women on their rights is key

As a young woman what drives your interest in women empowerment?I suffered depression when I lost my sister in 2012 as a result of pregnancy complicat

What happened to family bond?

Also gone are those moments when parent gather children to tell them tales under the reflection of the moon light, dim is the ray of light left from t

Why the rights of children should be protected

Children’s rights are the human rights of a child with particular attention to the rights of special protection and care afforded to minors. Thi