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Is it safe to have sex during coronavirus outbreak?

Can I get coronavirus through sex? Is it even feasible to have sex with coronavirus around? The spread of coronavirus in close proximity and by touch

‘Most child traffickers are close to their victims’

Sofia (not real name) is a 14-year-old school leaver in one of the south-eastern states. She lives with her widowed mother and four of her siblings. S

COVID-19: Women most affected, says UN Women

UN Women says the outbreak of Covid-19 could impact women more than any other demographics and has urged governments rolling out income protection to

20% Nigeria women still undergo circumcision – Survey

Despite advocacy against Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), 20 percent of Nigerian women still undergo genital cutting, the National Demographic Health

How much do kids make for their family from street hawking?

From time immemorial, street hawking by children has been a phenomenon in Nigeria. Though adults engage in it, that of children is often striking beca