Home Front

Home Front

‘Empower indigent women by giving them source of livelihood’

How have you been impacting the lives of the less privileged in the country?We have made impact on the lives of countless Nigerians through different

Early sex education for children

Investigations have shown that most parents shy away from this responsibility, majorly because they believe it’s absurd. You should be the first

Between a wife or child, who should be next of kin?

A person’s next of kin is usually his or her closest living blood relative or relatives. It has legal definition in some countries and does not

‘Women should be leaders on merit, not on gender’

What inspired this walk today? Holding walks is a Vital Voices tradition and this is being done to commemorate this year’s  International W

Why people refuse to reveal suitor’s name

The wise thing now to do for the family of the bride-to-be is not to disclose the name and the family of the man she is going to marry.When I learnt o