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Winning your husband’s heart through good meals

This saying is true, reliable and legitimate. In polygamous families and societies, the fight for husband’s love and control is often done throu

Return of the ‘old school’

What you wear  in form of clothes and make – up are non verbal forms of communication, which connotes who you are, where you belong, what y

How will you treat your adopted child after having your biological one?

Some believe that adoption is the best way to handle the silence and boredom of a home without children while others believe that the presence of a ch

Life of ‘big boys’

Well, at least that is the general assumption, which may not be the concern of some parents that go out of their way to indulge their children, making

Handling sibling rivalry

 In some cases the siblings bad relationship continue even when they become adults. In worse cases sibling rivalry has led to adult siblings comp