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Is child adoption advisable?

Although, prior to this period, the institution of child adoption rarely existed in the way and manner as we see it today.According to the 2003 UNICEF

Talking to a baby bump really does improve a child’s language skills later in life

Talking to unborn babies while they are still in the womb may improve their language skills later in life, scientist have discovered.The sound of a mo

Home therapies for tackling cracked feet

According to him cracked feet could be caused by miscellaneous factors. They include: Extremely hot shower or bath, using harsh soaps, cold water or c

Should parents and their salaried adult children share domestic expenses?

Mallam Sule Abadan said he has the wherewithal to foot all the bills in his home but he wants his grown up son who is a lawyer  and living with h

Five research-backed reasons we wear makeup

But where did this particular assortment come from? Is there a psychological basis for the makeup we use today? And if so, can we use this to our adva