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Is marriage becoming obsolete?

For Roseline however, it’s not all about freedom and convenience. Like in all of life’s situations, she says she is sometimes disappointed

Remembering the families of our armed forces

The family is the most essential part of society and everyone comes from one, whether acknowledged or not. The wonderful thing about family is that th

‘Educating girl-child key for societal progress’

What is your take on girl child education especially in the north?In the north in the past girls used to sit at home, cook and clean while a few boys

Charlie Hebdo: Freedom to offend?

Among those killed was Stephane Charbonnier, 47, the magazine’s editor. It is condemnable to go and kill people in cold blood. And the western countri

Babies who nap for half an hour ‘have better memories and learn faster,’ scientists claim

The first study of its kind, carried out by a team at the University of Sheffield and Ruhr University in Bochum, Germany, has identified a link betwee