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Forget maternity leave

Gedis Grudzinskas, professor of obstetrics and gynaecology, believes ‘menstrual leave’ would boost women’s motivation and productivity when they are i

Importance of girl-child education

The current female literacy rate (ages 15 and above) in the country is put at 59.4 percent a figure less than the male adult literacy rate of 74.4 per

How violence against women can be addressed

The murder of women and girls,  incessant abductions, sexual violence especially rape,  and domestic violence among others calls for concern

Re – The implication of cheap marriage

The prophet (saw) encouraged less expense for weddings; and in several traditions highly encouraged men to be dutiful to their wives.There are several

Reasons parents should educate their children on morality, sex

It is very important to teach teenagers about sex in a way that will not only reflect the values of the family and society, but also enhance sustainab